Chairs Committee

Contact Information

Kevin Petti

Chair Requirements

Chair*: Department Chair, elected by committee.


* The Chair of Chairs shall be elected from currently serving members for a two-year term. Election of the Chair of Chairs will coincide with the spring Department Chair elections, and the Chair of Chairs must be continuing as the Department Chair for the remainder of their term.

Committee Membership

Faculty Department Chairs
1 Department Chair per department (department chair as defined per CBA, not to include assistant chairs).
Ex Officio Advisors: Assistant Chairs and Program Directors/Coordinators

Committee Purpose/Charge

The purpose of the Chairs Committee is to disseminate and advocate for specific and general departmental concerns and needs. This committee shall advise the Academic Senate on inter- departmental and cross-disciplinary concerns within the purview of Academic and Professional Matters (10+1).

Committee Responsibilities

  • Monitor and review items that fall under 10+1, specifically as they relate to department and cross-disciplinary function.
  • Provide recommendations to the Academic Senate on relevant matters.
  • Discuss curriculum changes moving through the curriculum management system.
  • Perform work and provide evidence to ensure the college meets applicable areas of Accreditation Standard I-II.

Committee Procedures

  • Membership term lengths: Designated by position. The Chair of Chairs has a term limit of two consecutive terms.
  • By position, the Chair of Chairs shall be a member of the College Council, the Contract Faculty Hiring Prioritization Committee, the Strategic Enrollment Committee, and the Academic Senate (AS) Executive Committee (with roles prescribed per AS bylaws).
  • Recommendations are made to the Academic Senate.
  • Committee retains authority to form taskforces and workgroups related directly to committee charge.
  • Plans/Reports: Annual summary of goals and accomplishments to Academic Senate.
  • Quorum: 50% +1 of membership.
  • Committee Approval Process: Vote.

Meeting Frequency

The Committee will meet once per month during the academic year.


Meetings, Agendas, & Minutes

Date Location